Review ICO

Cerlos – a new standard for building materials



Cerlos is supervised by a company called MOXY OID, which has been studying this topic for 18 years and has spent more than a dozen million dollars to find the optimal solution not only in creating the best building material, but also a unique way of making it.

This team develops a building material that will not attract rodents and insects, is fire-resistant to high temperatures, and can withstand low performance, is resistant to humidity and will not emit chemical harmful substances. This composite resource will be created from lignocellulosic fiber.

This raw material is already recognized as the most used carbohydrate material, since it has renewable properties and can be a non-food vegetable substance contained in the waste of food and agricultural enterprises, which will improve the process of recycling and processing in this area.

Solution Of Cerlos

“Cerlos – a new standard for building materials”

After over 18 years and US$20 million spent on Research and Development, Cerlos has developed a brand new building material that addresses many problems associated with current building materials.

CERLOS solves the following issues:

+ SUSTAINABILITY: Unlike other building materials, CERLOS is created using 100% sustainable methods and can be 100% recycled after use to make brand new CERLOS.

+ DURABILITY: CERLOS products are fire resistant, insect/bird/rodent resistant, rot and mold resistant, water and all-weather stable (will not shrink or swell), or decay or be influenced from environmental hazards.

+ ECO-FRIENDLY: Our primary ingredient is lignocellulosic fiber. Lignocellulosic fiber is basically the cells of virtually all living plants, so the fiber can come from straw, cornstalks, or from any other agricultural or forestry waste.

Strategic Partnerships

+ VDL Technologies: expressed their confidence in successful cooperation with MOXY to bring production lines to the market. A Letter Of Support (LOS) has been signed this year

+ Kingspan: one of the world’s largest Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Manufacturers, sees enormous potential in using CERLOS for its SIPs. A Letter Of Intent (LOI) has been signed this year.

Cerlos Token

  • Token name: CERLOS
  • Minimum goal: $2,000,000
  • Fundraising goal: $20,800,000
  • Token supply: 25 million tokens
  • Nominal token price: $1
  • Jurisdiction: Labuan – Malaysia
  • Asset class: Asset Backed Token
  • Investors right: Right to receive income linked to profits
  • Accepted investment currencies: BTC, ETH, USD, Euro, GBP

Current development of company

The project already has a number of partner and strategic agreements for the supply of its products and is actively expanding their number with industry leaders. The development of this production clearly requires costs and the team decided to sell their own digital tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain at a price of $ 1.

Holders of these digital tokens can count on dividends received from the company’s activities and this industry has a great potential for growth. Cerlos provides a competitive building material at a price that will be available to more people and develop this technology around the world.



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Telegram: hoangbinusa

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The Swidex – Instant deposit, withdrawals of funds

SWIDEX, is a decentralized exchange created for a swift peer to peer exchange of cryptocurrencies. Blockchain has brought decentralization, this initiative should be applied to all facets of cryptocurrency including exchange. SWIDEX is giving autonomy to users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolio by themselves in a wallet they have the private key. This is to ensure the safety of their funds.


What is Swidex

SWIDEX – Swiftlance Decentralized Exchange, We provide decentralized solutions for crypto markets, platform for trading ethereum based tokens(ERC-20).
The World’s First DEX with an outsourcing platform.
SWIDEX offers dividends to SWDX(native token) holders quarterly as Stakeholders of Swidex


Swidex is a tokenized decentralized application that will be built on Ethereum protocol. It aims to provide a completely decentralized exchange that is eco-friendly, fast and secured for P2P digital assets trading.
Ethereum Blockchain is adopted because Ethereum was one of the early cryptocurrencies that emerged in the Blockchain industry. Hence, most developers are familiar with the programming language, Solidity and more than 50percent of digital assets operate on Ethereum Blockchain either as main Blockchain or initial Blockchain before mainnet launch.
Therefore, Swidex advances a wide coverage of digital assets and provides a decentralized trading platform.


Centralized exchanges are the most common and early trading platforms adopted by majority of users in the cryptocurrency industry. They are centralized, act as intermediaries between traders with several rules of who, what, and when to trade. Wallet addresses are provided for users to deposit digital assets and in turn, they offer virtual digital assets on the trading platform for users to trade. The user’s funds, assets are majorly stored in a central wallet; it is owned, controlled and managed by a central administrator.
Since centralized exchanges are controlled and managed by a central administrator, several inherent problems are associated with the use of CEX. There are numerous stories of users’ accounts frozen or depleted without genuine explanation or reasons.
More so, numerous security breaches have been reported in millions of dollars leading to tremendous loss of users’ assets, and eventual shutdown of the exchange. Recently, a notable CEX, Cryptopia had a security breach and reportedly suffered huge loss leading to its eventual shut down. In addition, cases have been recorded where users of a reputable exchange were denied access to their funds as a result of death of founder of the exchange holding private keys to wallets containing users’ funds and assets.


Swidex is a DAPP and token protocol that provides an open peer to peer decentralized trading platform that is instant, fast and secured where its users are able to eliminate intermediary barriers and controls of the centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Swidex is not controlled by a central administrator or entity but it offers a platform where users are empowered to trade directly within themselves on the term they choose.
We aim to provide a decentralized P2P trading platform with smart contract technology. A world where users trade digital assets with equanimity. A burning protocol will be integrated into Swidex smart contract where Swidex tokens will slowly be burn until 30 percent (1.5 billion) of the total supply is successfully burned. Swidex will offer dividends in form of Ethereum (Eth) quarterly to holders of Swidex tokens. This is to reward Swidex token holders as stakeholders of Swidex.


Swidex tokens is built on Ethereum Blockchain, ERC-20 with a total supply of 5,000,000,000 (5bn) SWDX. SWDX is the native token of Swidex, serve as fuel for the exchange. It enables liquidity and powers open, fast and secured transactions between users of Swidex

Token name: Swidex

Ticker: SWDX

Total Suppy: 5,000,000,000 SWDX

Seed Funding/private sales: 2,500,000,000 SWDX (50%)

Team/Advisors: 15%( To be locked for 1years)

Airdrop SWL holders: 5%

Promotion/Marketing: 5%

Partnerships: 5%

Dividends/Rewards: 5%

Token reserve/future development: 15%


For more information, follow the link below:


Author: Oteemit

Review ICO



Established in 2009, Wings Mobile is a Spanish virtual mobile operator that focuses in the development of software, smartphones, and laptops. Wing Mobile aims at incorporating security protocols and tools within their products, which will enable the product users to seamlessly trade in the cryptocurrency market as well as make crypto payments for goods, and services they purchase.

The solutions provided by the Wings Mobile devices guarantees users of the security and privacy of their data through the integration of neural technology. This will increase in users accessing devices with improved security and privacy standards.

Wings Mobile will feature a cryptocurrency payment platform know as Wings Pay that will enable users purchase goods and services and make payments using their cryptocurrencies or using fiat currency. Additionally, the cryptocurrency can be used to make payments within the entire Wings Mobile ecosystem, which will increase the global adoption of the platform.

Developed Software and Technology

Wings Suite is a unique application designed for all simultaneous PC and mobile users, or who find themselves with low mobile battery power. Wings Suite allows users to transfer all WINGS PHONE functions, directly on the laptop (WINGS BOOK), including GSM calls from any mobile carrier

Wings Guardian™ is a security system that verifies in real time whether other installed applications or Trojans use the microphone or camera without the user´s knowledge.

WINGS MOBILE secure calls are protected by a triple level of security: TLS (Transport Layer Security) for Internet communication, ZRTP (Zimmermann Real-time Transport Protocol) for an end-to-end exchange protected by encryption keys, and ICE technology for P2P utilities. No VOIP data flow passes through the server, which guarantees that even Wings Mobile can intercept (secure) calls.

All Wings Phone™ devices offer an anonymous application store run by WINGS MOBILE. In the normal Play Store, the user must be registered with their personal email, and Google tracks all activity. Wings Play is completely anonymous, and it does not need registration by email and guarantees complete privacy. The application also conducts all of the installation transactions among WINGS MOBILE users and the application developers through the WINGSPAY payment system.

Second Number, another exclusive service available in all Wings smartphones allows users to choose all additional telephone numbers they need, which can be used to receive and make calls with the second number as the caller identification. ©WINGS WORLD ROAMING FREE™ Wings world roaming free ™ is the only system in the world that converts incoming GSM calls into VoIP calls, completely free of charge, in any global area where there is an Internet connection. This technology works independently from the operator used by the user. The user can choose from 60 countries around the world

Our Wings Books (PC notebooks) uses the Windows 10 operating system. To ensure high performance and safe use, the integration of a complete and powerful Antivirus like Wings Defender is something that cannot be disregarded. By constantly being updated with all types of Trojans, viruses, malware, it optimizes security and provides the user with full protection, as well as optimizing the CPU, RAM and battery.

WINGS DIALER is the first dialer in the hybrid world, which integrates GSM technology with native VOIP technology. This dual system allows the integration of all WINGS special mobile functions on a single dialer (keyboard): secure call, free roaming, a second number, national and international calls with VoIP transport, free calls, etc.

The main advantages are related to an integrated use that allows the user to have several calling options, in a single dialer, and without relying upon external applications. Also, calls with native VoIP technology, excluding other VoIP clients, are not canceled if there is a second GSM call. In this case, the GSM call simply receives a busy signal as in the normal GSM system.

Through the VoIP technology, WINGS MOBILE offers all Wings Phone or Wings Book owners the possibility of using exclusive VoIP services. In a very simple way, once the recipient has been chosen, the user decides whether to make the call through the GSM network or through the VoIP network.

Wings Mobile uses the transference of voice data through VoIP technology only in the first part, that is, from the user to the Wings telephone station. From this moment on, the call is redirected through the GSM or PSTN network of the call’s destination country. This mode allows making calls that do not differ at all with the GSM already being used.

Thanks to this service, WINGS MOBILE offers special rate plans, which allows for 90% in savings compared to some markets that are not yet mature such as Latin America or with high prices, as it is the case with the African continent in almost all international calls.

Wings Backoffice is the heart of WINGS MOBILE: the software that allows the management of the commercial and distribution system.

The software manages the distribution, billing, calculation, and settlement of commissions, logistics, warehouse, payment method, and e-commerce.

Designed to be multi-language, multi-country, it allows to implement and develop a new business unit in a new market, in less than 60 days.

Wings W3


Wings W3, one of the finest creations of Wings Mobile, is all set to redefine the world of smartphones very soon, as it marks an end to its production stage!

Wings W3 is the first ever HYBRID TECHNOLOGY phone with the most ADVANCED features at a rather defined VALUE.

Elegance and Innovation engraved in Wings W3 can also be witnessed through its 16MP + 2MP Rear Camera that provides the most advanced techniques of photography.

Moreover, the slide fingerprint sensor along with the sleek design that comes in varied colours, without doubt, makes it a smartphone that’s hard to resist in this innovatively competitive ERA OF TECHNOLOGY!

Not-to-forget, the Wings Mobile team has stepped up their game and sealed the preparation of everything including distribution of the W3 smartphones! The world now awaits the play to begin!


Want to know us more?

Author: HauDHV

Review ICO

What is the Canlead Platform?

This new Canlead platform provides its own experience for users who want to join in having an efficient ecosystem that is decentralized against the blockchain. provide good opportunities for a better future, learn perfectly in an interconnected network. Canlead project was the catalyst for the energy industry revousi to-4 that allows resources to be more environmentally friendly in the economy. makes this project is built for the future and also through this project benefit the user.

What is the Canlead Platform?

Canlead is the latest design platform in the business world, with a variety of services provided from the Canlead platform ranging from recruitment, sales, and business development. Canlead also provides services where users can later use the Canlead platform with an online system that is more environmentally friendly and efficient in the business world to be able to share what you want.

Our solution: Canlead Platform
what is the solution to the Conlead platform that develops economic models that promise every user the opportunity to disrupt and change traditional business intermediaries that are less efficient for users. The economic model developed by the Canlead platform can overcome problems that can be detrimental and offer advantages over other economies.
The Canlead platform has its own advantages to maximizing its platform, namely the Canlead three-sided market means that supply and demand for opportunities and talent are very balanced making it a unique solution in the eyes of users around the world. The Canlead Platform also provides opportunities for users, from social networks and reputation through sharing and income.

Features of Canlead Business
There is a 2 level cost structure. The first is a Canlead-based paid service model, where the Canlead Platform takes 10% service fees for every transaction that is successful in operating a business. This includes a number of types of customers, business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), consumers to consumers (C2C) and markets. The second is a betting system in which contract costs Canlead Smart Canlead collecting bets fee to provide liquidity and manage the ecosystem on-chain.
Cand Token
The Canlead platform develops tokens, namely Cand Token, which adds to the Canlead platform business model. with the to lead token platform, it will certainly add investors who come from all over the world to invest in developing projects from the Canlead platform. introducing economic tokens in sharing opportunities from the Canlead platform.
Tokens Also utility tokens that can enhance the Canlead platform, users can also get them through assignments on the Canlead platform or can also purchase the tokens themselves from the Canlead platform so they can access or join the Canlead platform and benefit from the Canlead platform now and for the future.

Token Sales
Canlead announced crowd sales period will begin in October 2019 and will continue until Canlead reach hardcap $ 20 million. In the platform has provided 1.0 billion Canlead CAND token to ensure there is enough supply to provide incentives for contributors and participants who follow the development of this project.

Canlead Token

Token Name: CAND
Token Type: Utility
Token Price: $0.0333 USD
Token Issued: 1,000,000,000
Token For Sale: 600,000,000
Blockchain: Ethereum
Protocol: ERC20
Currency Accept: ETH
Hard Cap Limit: 20,000,000 USD
Bonus: Available





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Author: Oteemit

Review ICO

Orionix – A new revolution to the gaming

This industry is blasting with its luxurious innovation, where Virtual Reality (VR) is only a piece of it. Since with this progression, theft comes along, as individuals who aren’t reluctant to trick others are finding ways to deceive users who are spending top bucks in their gaming collection.

We all have heard of Steam, a gaming platform developed by Valve Corporation where users make quick payments to get their desired games in their inventory. However, people are now being scammed on such platform due to lack of transparency. Many Steam accounts are being hacked, or their security is breached.

This is where steps in. A new trading platform in the era of Blockchain technology especially designed for the Gaming industry to ensure transparency and security alike. In other words, you could buy, trade games or inventory items with the help of ORX tokens. An entirely new cryptocurrency technology that uses the peer-to-peer crypto network without the need for intermediaries and ensures safe trading for gamers.


What is Orionix ?

First of All, Orionix is a commission-free games and items exchange platform along with ORX token that covers operational costs by minting its own native currency. Orionix is the future of the game. Which combines smart contracts safe based on the standard ERC20 interface using the latest security update by Solidity, in version 0.5.8 of the Solidity programming language. This project aims to facilitate communication, exchange and security between players. Gamers from around the world can use the ORX platform and trade their new or used games, but also items, skins and accounts for ORX tokens.


1. The priority of our future team is the creation of platforms available on Desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and Mobile (iOS and Android). This platform will allow the use of ORX tokens as trademarks for virtual products (game items, game & service exchanges).

2. Our goal is to find key partners in the gaming industry to provide an official exchange platform for virtual products based on strict agreements with these partners. We strongly believe that this is a long-term interest of market participants, such as AAA companies, indie developers & editors to expand the accessibility and selling power of virtual products. These virtual products generally require time and effort to acquire and we believe by recognizing the value and nature of ownership, those products will create new value in the blockchain.

3. This fact will increase resale rights to users as a necessary step towards expanding virtual trade. This belief in the continued trading of virtual products is a driving factor in the dedication of our team to our project.

4. The Orionix platform wants to form strong bonds with independent developers and enable them to interact directly with contributors. They will also have access to a special referral system from which they can obtain additional tokens from the entire platform referral system to help their success and development.

5. The emergence of blockchain technology has enabled the creation of the next generation digital distribution platform and our team is diligently working to implement this game-changing revolution to meet the growing demand for user databases.



For more information, follow the link below:


Author: Oteemit

Review ICO

Driving the New Trustless Assurance Economy – AUDITCHAIN

Decentralized Continuous Audit & Reporting Protocol Ecosystem

Auditchain is leading the development of the world’s first decentralized continuous audit and real time financial reporting protocol ecosystem for digital asset and enterprise assurance and disclosure. Auditchian enables continuous external validation of enterprise system and control, financial data and disclosure control environments by a network of CPAs and Chartered Accountants.

The DCARPE Alliance is an accounting, audit and financial reporting consortium consisting of CPAs, Chartered Accountants, enterprise software providers and developers who are contributing resources to the development and driving adoption of the DCARPE Assurance and Disclosure Protocol. Auditchain enables enterprises to provide stakeholders with the highest levels of assurance through decentralized consensus-based enterprise external validation.

Driving the New Trustless Assurance Economy

The AUDT Token functionality powers the new world of decentralized assurance and disclosure. It’s what drives transparency of the modern enterprise from initial certification, early detection and remediation to financial reporting in real time with the highest levels of assurance through decentralized enterprise external validation. Wanna take a ride?

AUDT Token

Auditchain network access: The AUDT Token unlocks a suite of applications and the most robust and secure decentralized network of enterprise assurance and reporting services.

Auditchain network services: The AUDT Token is the base currency and utility for enterprise application service, assurance and disclosure payments. AUDT unlocks network services that provide the highest levels of transparency to investors and stakeholders at a fraction of the cost of traditional audit and reporting.

Auditchain network interoperability: As a layer two protocol, Auditchain provides seamless interoperability between private and public blockchains which enables robust utility and atomic settlement of trade payables.

Audt fees: AUDT Fees for enterprises can be reduced to zero through subscription revenue sharing and enterprise participation in the decentralized trustless assurance ecosystem.

Premium stakeholder assurance: AUDT enables stakeholders to unlock and view granulated enterprise audit analytics and financial performance detail that provide the highest levels of transparency from enterprise system and control statistics to real time financial performance.



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Author: Oteemit

Review ICO

The Tryvium Framework

Tryvium is a modern platform for booking hotels, apartments, B&B, and other accommodations. The technology incorporates the use of blockchain along with smart contracts systems to deliver real-world solutions to the industry challenges. Using Tryvium infrastructure, users can purchase tokens to make transactions and make reservations at the platform. The assets management can be done through a multi-currency systems entertaining different economic models; both crypto and fiat currencies.


The Tryvium Framework

Blockchain Infrastructure has penetrated all commercial sectors including hospitality marketing. The Global Tourism industry has been on the rise since the boom of Globalization. More and more people are investing in businesses and personal tours either to make commercial advances or enjoy some recreational time. According to AMR, online travel Market to reach $1,091B globally by 2022. The online infrastructure and hassle-free booking systems have also enhanced the possibilities of international tourism.

The market has also seen a significant drift from conventional vacation resorts towards B&Bs and cost-effective dorms. Tryvium is taking a giant leap towards this $7.4 trillion-dollar industry by creating real-world solutions for the burning problem of secure online transactions and bookings. Tryvium will create a user-friendly platform to book for your hotel, apartments, vacation homes, and family-run B&Bs to 5-star luxury resorts using cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. The platform will be an amalgamation of modern technology and real-time payment models to create an authentic, reliable, and multi-purpose platform to manage your hotel requirements.

Benefits For Travelers

Using the intuitive and user friendly feature of the Tryvium booking platform, travelers can book everywhere in the world with 0 fees. The travelers get to choose from a wide variety of hotels and various accommodations with the lowest fare on the market. For every 50euro spent on the platform, the user will receive 50 Tryvium tokens as a reward and this amount can be used for your next travel or can be accumulated.

The platform encourages the clients to use the platform consistently. This will be managed by awarding frequent users of Tryvium platform their platinum card. The platinum card will include the following two services:

  • Double tokens earned during your trip
  • The platform users enjoy premium features like early check in, late check out (wherever available).

Benefits for Hotel Owners

Tryvium is set to deliver an all in one solution to meet all your requirements as a business owner. The platform gives software assistance for hotel management.
  • Smart manager property software.
  • Booking engine and channel manager at the lowest market fare 19.90 Euro for a month.
  • Hotel owner will pay 8% fees on a room sold instead of 20% or more applied by competitors such as,
  • 24/7 hotel support specialist direct line.

The plan will include:

Property manager software with a full integrated reservation system. This will function as the heart of your business where directly with one click you can keep everything under your control and in the real time. You get to choose your price lists, rooms availability, reservations, invoicing, and get immediate sale reports.

All reception and administration activities are integrated to guarantee the best synergy.

Channel manager This will enhance integration with the industry giants like, Tripadvisor, Holiday Lettings, Expedia, eDreams, Agoda, and Airbnb.

Booking Engine our smart booking engine is well integrated into our all in one solution, our online system will integrate with more than ten website builders and with several gateway payment channels by automating all reservation tasks you will receive in real time date availability and quotations cancellations, modifications, automatic confirmations.

The Tryvium Gift Experience

The Tryvium gift Experience provides the pleasure of gifting to your hands. The experience will combine the freedom of gift experiences without the hassles of comparing and making a choice. You can go ahead and gift your loved ones the box of happiness and thrilling adventures. The boxes are aesthetically designed to please the recipients and open up to an online brochure full of experiences. The receiver gets to choose from the available options and choose their favorite travel package. The Tryvium gift experience is ideal for travelers looking for exciting adventures.

The brochure lets you choose from our hotels, B&B, apartments to enjoy your dream vacation! Each Tryvium gift experience will have its own customized theme offering hand-picked experiences spanning across all Europe.

TYM Token

The Tryvium  Team is allocating 54 million tokens during the private sale  in order to finance the Tryvium Booking Platform.

Preparatory work is already being undertaken to ensure that, when our Private Token Sale is complete, we are ready to submit our application with the Maltese authorities and obtain the necessary licenses to push on with the Public Token Sale.

Meanwhile, discussions are already being held with a number of different Token Exchanges regarding the listing of TYM Token.

  • Project Name: TRYVIUM
  • Token Symbol: TYM
  • Token Starting Price: 1 TYM = 0,04 $
  • Tokens Issued: 900,000,000
  • Tokens Available for Sale: 540,000,000
  • Additional Emission: No
  • Accepted Currencies: ETH-BTC
  • Soft Cap: $ 1,300,000
  • Hard Cap: $ 21,600,000
  • Jurisdiction: Malta

Token Distribution

  • 60% will be initially released for the sale through crowdsale ICO Rounds. In addition
  • 10% of the total tokens will be distributed as bounty and early supporters to ensure buyer loyalty and excellent platform support.
  • 20% of the tokens will be reserved for team and advisors and the remaining
  • 10% of the tokens will be reserved funds, locked up to 24 months.

Funds Allocation

  • 40% Marketing and platform implementation
  • 20% Product development
  • 10% Legal and Financial
  • 20% Security
  • 10% Future development


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Author: Oteemit


Review ICO

Review Securing the Blockchain Ecosystem – BlockSafe


We know that the crypto world is currently very vulnerable. Crimes such as fraud and even theft result in a number of losses. Researchers say that $ 1.1 Billion is stolen in the first six months of 2018, and that number increases every year.

This is due to the carelessness of the platform and users who are not aware of the loopholes on the platform or device they are using. Examples of cases like wallets are getting hacked by malware using keyloggers to keep secret keys and clipboard capture to change destination addresses. The estimated user wallet losses are over $ 350 million. If your wallet gets hacked, you can get the money back or not you can.


This problem must be dealt with immediately so as not to cause greater losses.

Introducing BlockSafe Technologies

BlockSafe Technologies Inc. has developed products that secure the blockchain ecosystem (wallets, exchanges and private blockchains) from hackers. The company is launching an SEC-compliant STO and is targeting a raise of up to $16.2 million via a 506(c)and Reg S offering to accredited investors. The token will be called BSAFETM.

It is hoped that BlockSafe Technologies will minimize crime and fraud in the crypto world.

BlockSafe Technologies Solution


  • Keystroke Encryption: Prevents malware from spying on what you type.
  • Clipboard copy protection: Prevents malware from monitoring the clipboard to spy on, copy and paste the contents of the clipboard.
  • Anti-screen capture: Prevents screen-scraping malware from taking screenshots of information surreptitiously.
  • Anti-Clickjacking: Displays hidden frames or frames originating from a potentially malicious domain.
  • Secure Keyboard: Prevents the OS and malware from logging your keystrokes.
  • Secure Browser: Is a custom, secure locked-down browser that prevents the storage of cookies and other malware artifacts.
  • Password/Data Vault: Enables the AES-256 encrypted storage of passwords, keys, and data. Access to the vault can be secured via fingerprint.
  • Strong Password Generator: This creates strong passwords based on user-defined preferences, and then stores them in the Password Vault for future usage.


Exchange Defender comprises two products to protect the internal systems of the crypto exchange. These are – CryptoDefender™ and ProtectID®™ protects the exchange’s computers and mobile devices from keylogging, screen capture and clickjacking attacks. ProtectID® secures access to the internal systems via two factors out-of-band authentication.


Blockchain Defender acts as a gateway between the application and a private blockchain. It examines every message, checks if it is allowed as per enterprise rules & policy, scan the contents of data fields for malware and authenticates transactions via the ProtectID® system. It can also pass the blockchain messages to enterprise systems or other blockchains via appropriate gateways.

In Conclusion

Every year more than millions of dollars just disappear because of the crimes and fraud that occurred in the crypto world. BlockSafe Technologies with CryptoDefenderTM, ExchangeDefenderTM, and BlockchainDefenderTM offer renewable solutions for the health and fraud in the crypto world. It is hoped that BlockSafe Technologies will minimize and reduce losses in the crypto world so that the crypto-enthusiast does not worry about their digital assets.

Token Sales

BlockSafe’s STO round runs until midnight on June 22th 2019. During this period BlockSafe is offering token buyers equity shares of the company(capped at the first $5 Million dollars invested).

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Author: Oteemit


Review ICO

KOI Token offer the Blockchain technology within everyone’s reach

KOI Token offer the Blockchain technology within everyone’s reach
Our project consists in developing the technology that the local and international trade requires to be able to make an efficient use of the blockchain, opening to them the possibility to take advantage in the best way possible of the different social groups that are in their environment, as well as those that are via network.
The creator of Token Koi, ensures that through her multiple projects, everyone can earn money from the Blockchain, since the Research, IT and Technological Development team was given the task of evaluating the different proposals of the current market and their weaknesses, and this way, had devise a congruent portfolio that ensures the success of the KOI currency, generating an Independent and Integral Commercial Ecosystem and, above all, Self-Sustaining.

With the creation of KOi currency, can be offer an organic growth of the projects from Koitech Studios, where will be include different communities of users, especially those who do not have access to technology and have not been able to enjoy all the benefits offered by the blockchain.


The advantages of using the First project, called “KoiPos”, which will publish soon of the free way to the public, are the following:

  • Electronic Commerce.
  • The Sending and Receiving of Remittances.
  • Transactions for Purchase / Sale .
  • Storage of your currency, safe and reliable.
  • Send and receive funds in different ways.
  • Perform votings in a reliable manner.
  • Exchange Koi currency from web platform.
  • Transfers between Koi POS and KOI Marketplace.
  • Can be make P2P payments quickly without waiting for confirmation by the party of the blockchain.
  • Verifiable transactions through the internal browser.
  • Interact with smart contracts to generate profits.
  • Integration modules with electronic stores.
  • And Much More..!

The public sale of the koi currency has started on May 1, since then its growth has been remarkable and reflected in its valuation, it is a good opportunity to invest in it, in this way, the support of projects of benefit to the community, these they turn into profits for investors.


When analyzing the market, we discovered that the Blockchain is aimed at a specific audience and each new project requires a minimum of technological knowledge, since its operation is not designed for people with little computer knowledge.

EFFICIENCY: Our token allows a commercial exchange in a traditional way but with the latest technology guaranteed by the Blockchain.
ACCESSIBILITY: We build tools designed for everyone to access to the blockchain, and thus interact effectively and quickly with technology
TRUST: Our ecosystem is based on established, communities, we take care of providing innovative solutions so that they can interweave and grow together.
ADOPTION: Knowledge and technology are necessary to have access to the new electronic economy. With our token we eliminate the barriers that prevent you from reaching it.

  • Symbol: KOI
  • Total Supply: 4,800,007,450.00 KOI
  • Decimals: 8
  • Contract: 0x0be34c15f069663FF05eF5EA1E99ab3Dd2d0Fdce
  • Token Value (ETH): 1 ETH = 3336,25 KOI
  • Token Sale price: 1 KOI = USD 0.07

Token sale:

$10.00 Minimum Investment
10% Koi Bonuses
Price 1 KOI = USD 0.07

$5,000.00 Minimum Investment
15% Koi Bonuses
Price 1 KOI = USD 0.07

$500,000.00 Minimum Investment
20% Koi Bonuses
Price 1 KOI = USD 0.03

A good decision of Economic Investment

Compared to other initiatives that reach the Initial Offer stage with their hands empty and waiting for economic resources to start the development of their projects, Koitech Studio already surpassed this initial phase, due to the fact that since 2017 the activities in the different projects have been sustained by the financial contribution of the founders, because of this, we can ensure that the motivation is not limited to satisfy a particular economic need, if not a collective good , to achieve the use of the Blockchain in any everyday environment.

Each one of the projects will increase the demand for use of KOI and having a controlled and planned offer will allow the growth and economic revaluation of the currency, in addition the transactions that are carried out within the ecosystem will generate a financial profit to the company that will allow it to continue driving new developments.


If you want to inquire more about the Token KOI, or interact with the Koitech Studios team, you can visit the following links in the different social networks:

ANN Thread:

Author: Oteemit

Review ICO


BIZpaye CRYPTO is a new direction launched by the international group of companies BIZpaye . For those who are not familiar with this company, this is a multi-business B2B and B2C marketplace. The platform is spread over 12 countries around the world, thanks to a wide franchise network.


The sellers registered on the platform currently generate a turnover of millions of dollars annually through the BIZpaye system . The company has many years of experience and has long been working in the international trade market In connection with the development of modern technology, the team decided not to stay aside from progress and launched a direction called BIZpaye CRYPTO .

For the new direction a unique ecosystem and economic model was developed using its own virtual currency, BIZ tokens. With their help, current customers and entrepreneurs will be able to get even more convenient services and join the growing blockchain market.

An important feature of this new startup is that the main company BIZpaye has been actively trading and developing an international trading network for many years, unlike many newly created projects entering the market only with an idea or promise.

Simply put, BIZpaye CRYPTO has been part of a global business plan for many years now and is being actively developed and now, finally, it enters a busy market and is promoted through the corporate website and . The project is published with a global trading network, which will help to implement all the planned Fintech algorithms using modern technologies.


As the cryptocurrency market grows and develops, we have seen many success stories and many failures. Probably even we saw a lot more failures, because a huge number of fraudsters mastered the tool for attracting venture financing. They painted colorful sites, wrote promising ideas, and then disappeared. Now it became clear to each market participant that anyone can create their own token and run it as a currency.

However, now it’s not so much about false tokens, but about how after launching your own virtual currency the project team will be able to ensure its value among the audience so that the tokens are not depreciated. Such a question is posed by not many developers, especially if they are programmers, but not economists. And this is a serious problem: how to stay in an unstable market by creating such a business model in order to convey value to the community.

Looking more attentively at the key management personnel of new projects, in most cases we see only programmers and advisers. There are no specialists who would have management experience in such projects. When it comes to monetization, the team faces serious challenges.

As experts of the BIZpaye CRYPTO team explain , in fact most of the newly released tokens can only be used for investment purposes. You can also use them to exchange for other digital assets or trade on exchanges. There is a special division according to the type of destination tokens. But all these categories are united by one property – this is the fact that most of them will not have concrete use and, therefore, will have limited value in the long term.


In contrast to the above projects with their typical management problems, the BIZpaye CRYPTO team has both technical development specialists and staff of consultants with many years of experience in managing fintech projects with a digital economic model based on blockchain technology. This provides a serious competitive advantage in terms of efficiency and timeframe for achieving the established goals.

In addition, most people would like to use digital currencies in their daily lives and, specifically, paying for retail purchases and orders on the Internet. BIZpaye CRYPTO will do it easily, because already has a long-term market experience in 12 countries of the world. Already, thousands of sellers are introducing the ability to accept payment from buyers in virtual currencies.

At this point, skeptics will argue, citing as an example Bitcoin with its long history and recognizable brand that has generated global interest and excitement. Indeed, despite all this, only about 100,000 companies around the world accept this currency as payment. Even more striking is the fact that there are no such companies or organizations that would help entrepreneurs introduce such a payment method into their business, explaining all the advantages. BIZpaye’s own marketing team research has shown that entrepreneurs still need training and support at various levels from experts in new technologies.

Thanks to the BIZpaye CRYPTO projectMany sellers will receive this support, namely, they will learn how to configure the reception of virtual currencies and what benefits they will receive from their implementation. The audience of customers, created over the years in 12 countries, enthusiastically begins to use new technologies.

We also add here other projects that are developing in parallel with BIZpaye on the blockchain market. Hundreds of similar trading platforms around the world have already joined the process of introducing payment gateways into their platforms. They all strive to give customers a convenient and modern service.

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Author: oteemit